In English Language Arts class, 8th grade students practiced interpreting puns in authentic contexts, like advertisements (email promotions and commercials), clothing lines, and brand names/book titles. To conclude the mini-unit, 8th graders sorted real birthday cards into the three primary word play categories (e.g. similar-sounding words, multiple-meaning words, and/or an allusion to a common expression). Students then picked one of the cards and wrote a birthday card in a Friendly-Letter format to a randomly-selected faculty member. In the card, students not only had to offer a genuine birthday wish but explain their card's pun to share their understanding of puns!
The project elicited a lot of thoughtfulness and creativity among 8th graders. Not only did students want to demontrate their knowledge of puns, but they wanted to showcase what they've learned about their teachers and administrators throughout their time at HNOM! Therefore, in their birthday cards, many created their own original puns that reflected the interests of their faculty recipient (Math teachers be prepared for some awesome math puns!). Tasked with the responsibility of remembering their faculty member's birthday, the 8th graders are excited to deliver the birthday cards to their teachers and administrators throughout the year!
Learning Standards:
8L5a: "Interpret figures of speech including irony and puns in context."
8W2: "Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content."