8th Graders Donate Soap & Combs to a Toiletry Drive based on THE OUTSIDERS
During Catholic Schools Week on “Celebrate Community Day/National Day of Service," Holy Name of Mary School collected personal hygiene products for people in need of a new start. Soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, and small shampoo bottles were donated across all grade levels. However, as a literary spin-off of this general toiletry drive to promote text-to-world connections, 8th graders hosted a "Wanted in Windrixville" Toiletry Drive based on their current class novel, S.E. Hinton's
The Outsiders.
In S.E. Hinton’s classic YA book, Ponyboy and Johnny get into some trouble. Taking advice from Dallas, the boys flee to the country – an abandoned church atop Jay Mountain in Windrixville – for a new start. In their efforts to cope, Ponyboy expresses special appreciation for the soap Johnny thinks to pick up from the store along with the baloney and bread. In addition, a comb in Ponyboy’s back pocket allows them to manipulate their hairstyles and adapt to their new setting. Therefore, not only are Ponyboy and Johnny
wanted while in Windrixville, particular supplies are
wanted to support their survival there.
The "Wanted in Windrixville" Toiletry Drive encouraged 8th graders to reflect on how basic supplies helped two fictional characters adapt to a new setting while helping real people in need of a new start by donating soap and combs!
Together, the 8th grade donated
90 combsand
50 bars of soap for people in need!
Thank you for your donations, Soraya, Sean, Abby, Kelis, Sophia, Jayden, Makayla, Ethan, Dylan, Kaelle, Jaylaan, Tyler, and Samuel! Ms. Brown also contributed.
To receive credit in their English Language Arts class, students had to contribute soap and/or combs AND answer two short-response questions on RACE graphic organizers that prompted reflection on the role of the toiletries in the novel through E.L.A. learning standards RL2 and RL3 (i.e. How do combs relate to the emerging theme of identity? How does a comb help the boys adapt to a new setting? What does Johnny's soap purchase reveal about him? What difference does it emphasize between him and the other greasers?).
You can definitely see the 8th grade's comb contribution in the school's overall toiletry collection! 90 combs stand out!
Read the official flyer for the 8th grade's literary toiletry drive below!