A Gorgeous Day Shines Upon the Class of 2020 at a Unique Outdoor Graduation!
At a socially-distanced graduation ceremony, the Class of 2020 came together outside HNOM church to receive their diplomas. While the smiles were masked, students joyfully celebrated their graduation through the traditional procession and tassel-turning from right to left. They listened to the valedictorian and salutatorian speeches, as well as uplifting words from Bishop Henning (whose home parish was HNOM). Thank you for playing "Pomp and Circumstance" for the procession, Miss Hahl!
Graduating HNOM families received hydrangea plants to remind them that they will always be part of the HNOM school community. Graduating HNOM families enrolled their graduate either in Pre-K or Kindergarten, so they dedicated at least nine (9) years at HNOM School.
Diploma boxes were packed in an assembly-line process to ensure students' awards, pins, and extra surprises were ready-to-go for the ceremony!
During the ceremony, students approached the Statue of Blessed Mary to receive their award and diploma boxes one-by-one and pose for a photograph.
The boxes held students' awards, diplomas - and a few surprises!
Here's a closer look at those treats!
Miss Ciminelli then led the Class of 2020 with the turning of their tassels, a symbolic gesture to represent their official HNOM graduate status.
With their caps labeled, the graduates tossed them high into the blue sky for the traditional closing and send-off.
In the perfect,
words of valedictorian Makayla Fernando (pictured below), "As the chapter of middle school comes to an end, I have one last lesson to remind you of: high school will take us all to different places, but remember, we will always see the same sunset."
Congratulations, Class of 2020! We are so proud of you!