Inspired by O. Henry's classic holiday story, "The Gift of the Magi," the Class of 2022 participated in the 8th grade's 2nd annual "Mystery Magi" gift exchange in which they had to purchase a $2.00 surprise gift for a classmate! In the short story, Della - the protagonist - believes that her savings of $1.87 were not adequate to buy her husband, Jim, a worthy Christmas present. Through this misconception, the story emphasizes thoughtfulness - not expense - as the key to gift-giving, so students set out to prove Della incorrect by purchasing thoughtful $2 gifts. Their favorite snacks and candy came spilling out of most "Mystery Magi" presents - from Swedish Fish, caramels, hot cocoa, and chocolate bars to Sour Cream & Onion chips and spicy Doritos! However, the funniest gift was a pack of crayons - because one "Mystery Magi" was tired of his classmate being unprepared for coloring assignments!